Thursday 10 January 2008

New Year, New Blog

I've been reading blogs, and wondered if I had as much to say as some of my interesting and literate friends. Musings on the nature of the universe, quirks of humans, proto-humans and the critters we share the earth with; all used to go in letters, written with fountain pens on interesting note paper or cards. I havn't been very faithful in communications the old fashioned way for quite some time & hope that my friends, many of whom are light years ahead of me technically, will find this a comfortable way to see how my world goes round these days. I've kept a journal at times in the past, but not recently.

20 years ago, when I was in grad school, I used to write (type actually) at length. I'd put in clippings from the Chicago papers, rubber stamp illustrations, do drawings, include pictures of my environment or artwork. I'd then copy it and send it out to a list of about two dozen friends. The adventures of Peawig the tortishell tabby and Kelty the Sheltie living with me in the ghetto-in-the-middle- of-a-cornfield were considered high entertainment to most. Those who snarked at not getting individual letters were deleted from the list (they didn't get individual letters, either). When I came home, I made bound copies of those letters which make a wonderful diary of my two years away from home. I figure that having a blog will nudge me into doing that kind of writing again, and encourage some banter from those who bother to read it.

Today, I'm drinking Darjeeling. I need the industrial strength caffeine.


Sparrow said...

Welcome to the Bloggy world, TeaWench! Anyone who likes both "The Lion in Winter" and "Bambi vs. Godzilla" is my kind of person. I look forward to reading you!

And I loved the lyrics of the song you left in my comments. Is there an mp3 out there so I can hear the melody?

Tea Wench said...

Sparrow, sorry to take so long to reply. I don't know if any Andy M. Stewart has been mp3-ized, but most of his music is still available.