Saturday 21 June 2008

A Soggy Solstice

For the longest day of the year, after what feels like the longest week of MY year, I'd planned to get some rest. While camp is in session, my time is not my own, for the most part. Today was the first time in weeks where I didn't have something about camp actively rattling around in my head on a list of "do immediately."

My plans for a Solstice Saturday included getting the increasingly shaggy lawn mowed, doing some porch sitting and music making, and listening to Prairie Home Companion which was being broadcast from Blossom Music Center tonight while noshing on some blue cheese burgers.

The lawn got some attention, but not hear enough. I did some singing, but not enough. The hard rain was preceded by a big strong wind that rattled windows and doors and blew me indoors before PHC came on. Dinner will be later tonight - I hope the rain lets up and the sky clears so I can sit on the porch and watch a late sunset.

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