Friday 7 March 2008

Darn, I missed it!

In browsing links to the music I love, I came across a resource for Celtic festival listings & started looking at all the events I'm not likely to get to, but would love to see. This past January there was one I think I'd have taken a pass on that still fascinated me in a "truth is stranger than fiction" sort of way, billed as "The Most Glamorous Irish Festival in the World," the Dubai Irish Festival. Yes, that's Dubai in the Middle East, not a poorly spelled Dublin. They have a flashy web page, but glamorous isn't how I usually think of traditional Irish musicians, unless it's one of the programs aired during a PBS fund drive - they do get tarted up for those. Held in January, the Dubai Irish Festival at least has the attraction of warm place during the cold in the north. The astonishingly green golf course they advertise as part of the whole shebang makes me wonder how much of their GNP went to water bills.

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