Saturday 22 March 2008

Meme: Passion Quilt

The "look what I made" smiles

Dr. Zeus tagged me I also hear and obey.

What I'm most passionate about my students learning is the feeling of satisfaction and pride in work that is worthy of it. Kindling the fire of inspiration to do artwork is the overarching principle. Art students come to you with the urge already there, and in my teaching in mostly alternative situations, I'm blessed with an even more motivated group. Technique is part of what I teach, but always in aid of an idea. Showing a student how to take that path from a fuzzy idea, to a well formed concept, through picking a compatible medium, and working on the technique required, to the conclusion of pleased astonishment at their work - this is my passion. Showing them ways to tap their inner fire with mental exercise as casual or intellectually rigorous as their stage in life and dedication to art require is the flip side to technique. The path is the same with students from wee girls in camps to the oldest students in senior centers: "oh, I can't do that... oh, that's not so hard is it...hmm... I might try that ... wow, this is not so bad ... cool! I CAN do this!" I am equipping them with the tools to do their own creative explorations, & the ability to take that path again without me to guide.

Post a picture or make/take/create your own that captures what YOU are most passionate for students to learn about.

Give your picture a short title.

Title your blog post “Meme: Passion Quilt.”

Link back to this blog entry.

Include links to 5 (or more) educators.

I was startled Dr. Zeus tagged me for this as I'm an art teacher (and have only drawn from live, if recumbent, bodies) & this is my first meme. I'm new to the blogosphere, and don't have any teaching acquaintances to tag, so either I'll have to suffer the consequences of not passing it on, the way I have with chain letters, or if you're an untagged teacher, consider yourself tagged.

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