Sunday 16 March 2008

Post-Buzzard Day Post

My friends Phil and Margaret are famous for fine singing, good humor, bad jokes, and horrid puns. They got such a kick out of the northern Ohio ritual of welcoming the buzzards back to the town of Hinkley that they wrote a song about it. They tend to preface it with the story about the buzzard couple who were stopped from boarding a plane because they were each carrying two very dead critters, one under each wing. They didn't see what the problem was, because they were clearly told they could bring two pieces of carrion.

Kate and Phil being Mr & Mrs Buzzard,
while Margaret does the color commentary:

The song "When the Buzzards Come Back Again to Hinkley (my dear I'll be carrying on with you)" is the audience participation event for those who can't sing on pitch or in correct tempo. The more off pitch /tempo the better. The band sings:
"When the Buzzards Come Back Again to Hinkley"
The audience is to sing back:
with gusto, and who cares what key. I recall one particularly enthusiastic audience who had great fun with it. A song or two later, something pretty, and from the back of the hall comes a "HINKLEY!" from, I suspect Pete Z. The band lost it, entire. It was a great moment, ya shoulda been there, yah you bet. I need to cajole a recording of this for local use and edification.

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