Wednesday 9 April 2008

Daffodilly Watch, Part 3

Ah, now there's something to see on MLK (the drive formerly known as Liberty)! The clutches of golden yellow Daffodils are in full bloom, particularly near the tenniscourts and pond. Shyer late bloomers of a paler yellow are still getting the lemony yellow tips starting to bend over, ready to bloom. Other sections have the daffodils at different stages, from short foliage to full bloom. Red buds are showing on some of the trees, though the glitter of light green leaf tips has yet to start. At the end of MLK drive, there was the utter delight of sitting at the traffic light in front of the Church of the Holy Oilcan, and rolling down the windows to better hear their carillon peal out Hayden's "Austria" (Glorious things of thee are spoken...)

I DO believe in spring, I DO, I DO!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Yes, the daffodils on MLK are lovely. Makes me believe in spring as well.