Monday 21 April 2008

A watched Daffodil...(Daffodilly Watch, part the last)

It would be the week where my attention had to be focused elsewhere that the last bits of the daffodils came to bloom, decking out (the drive formerly known as) Liberty in yellow splendour. Around Shaker Lakes in Madam's yard, she suspects this last weekend was the peak for the daffodils there. My camera and I missed it all. In between frantic to-ing and fro-ing I did note that at this time last week the only green in the trees was a dim haze on the willows, and in that week's time the magnolias have bloomed, the redbuds are shedding enough that looks like someone spilled a bag of cheap kitty kibble under them, the forsythia is in full fabulous bloom, and more than the willows have that misty green haze of new leaves on them.

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